Quiz Tool

I have students who get logged out (so they say) or their computer dies (though I tell them to make sure their technology works ahead of time) during a time quiz in D2L and when they log back in, they cannot start the quiz back up. Is there a way I can let them start where they left off? Right now, if they have just started, I reset the quiz and they can start again, but if they are in the middle of it, I have to submit the quiz for them and change attempts to 2 so they can start a new one and tell them to just skip the ones they already answered. Then I have to grade them by hand and it's a pain because the questions are in a different order for each attempt. It's not really fair to do it either of these ways (for the other students). I am not sure why they can't just re-open the quiz since it wasn't ever submitted.  I have looked it up online and it just tells me how to do what I am already doing... I tried just giving 2 attempts and see if they can get back in the first and they can't.  

Best Answer

  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 171
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Amanda.Glover951

    Thanks for reaching out.

    From your description, I understand your quiz is set up to enforce a time limit. In that case, once your students start the quiz, the time will keep counting regardless of whether they have left the activity.

    If you would like your students to continue working on a quiz after its enforced time limit, you must select the "allow the student to continue working" option:

    In that case, if a student leaves the quiz and reaccesses it after its time limit, they will be able to continue working on it and then submit it. Once you are grading the quiz, the student's attempt will be flagged as "Exceeded time limit" but the quiz will still be automatically graded - given it is set up to do so (See below).

    I hope this addresses your inquiry. Please let us know if you have any other questions.