Can a select box grade item be included in a Calculated grade item? Will students see their average

Thank you for the information. I did a little testing and discovered that the problem was no the Select box, but that the items I wanted to include in the calculated item were not part of the overall calculated grade. They were in a category that was worth 0% of the overall grade. Thus, an average or sum of the grades for those items could not be computer in the Calculated grade item.
Am I correct in this, or is there a work around?
Hi @Karl.Carrigan566 ,
You are correct. A calculated item takes into consideration the weighting of each grade item that it combines. If you want to keep your grade weights the same, but also include a summary that considers different weights, a workaround is to use a formula item instead of a calculated item. Here's an example:
Assignments (Category, 60% of final grade)
A1 (Item, 50% of category)
A2 (Item, 50% of category)
Quizzes (Category, 40% of final grade)
Q1 (Item, 50% of category)
Q2 (Item, 50% of category)
Funkiness (Category, 0% of final grade)
Attitude (Item, 50% of category)
Outfit (Item, 50% of category)
Term 1 Evaluation (Formula Item, cannot contribute to final grade) = (A1.Percent * 0.5) + (Q1.Percent * 0.4) + (AVG{Attitude.Percent,Outfit.Percent} * 0.1)
This formula combines A1 and Q1, reducing A1 by 10% to make room for the Funkiness items, and includes Attitude and Outfit at 10% (whereas they are normally at 0%). A1, A2, Q1, and Q2 can be either numeric or selectbox items.
Let me know any questions.