Connecting an assignment with no value to the gradebook

I'm trying to figure out a way to have an assignment appear in the gradebook so that I can mark it "done", but there are no points associated with it.

Is that possible?


  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 410 🎆
    edited August 2023

    @Caroline.Silver1518 Only Numeric grade items can be associated with assignments, and it does require points since the grade book can't divide by 0. You could just set it at 1 point and then exclude it from the final grade calculation, and tell students that 1 means done and 0 means not done (if you are not also hiding the grade item from the students). Or you can create a Scheme with just two levels of Done and Not Done set to 100% and 0% respectively and apply that to the grade item so that only the words appear in the grade book instead of points. You may need to change viewing options on the grade item to uncheck Points grade for the student view.

  • Caroline.S.720
    Caroline.S.720 Posts: 25 🌱

    Thanks! That's what I thought - I was hoping I could do something more obvious like calling it "Assignment 1- Done" and making it true/false. I know I can do that with a manually-entered grade, but not associating it to the assignment.

  • Caroline.S.720
    Caroline.S.720 Posts: 25 🌱


    Just to make sure I understand - this would mean that the whole grade book has to be pass/fail, correct? I couldn't do this just for one assignment, right?

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 410 🎆

    @Caroline.Silver1518 Pass/Fail is a grade item, but it can't be associated with an assignment so you would have to manually enter the data into the grade book. If you didn't mind doing this manually, you could alternatively set up a Done/Not Done scheme and just use Selectbox as the grade item so that you can use any words that you'd like instead of Pass/Fail.

  • Caroline.S.720
    Caroline.S.720 Posts: 25 🌱

    I'll try that - thanks!