Move sign-in button on mobile
Move "Sign-in with D2L employee login" button under community member sign-in for New Community on mobile (also, add "User Experience (UX)" as a category):
We agree! We want the sign in experience to be a lot smoother and we're on our way!
Early this year we'll be releasing a single sign on experience that will ensure everyone, D2L-ers and Customers, all logs in to Community using one single process- so a change to that view is coming soon!
For Community UX Suggestions- we love hearing from you any place you may choose to post but we are collecting lots of discussion under Community Feedback — Brightspace ( (For Product UX, the best place to have those suggestions recorded and actioned is still PIE)
Mike- your suggestions are always insightful and help us see where there's room for improvement.
We're lucky to have you here :)