How many schools/R1 schools allow athletic advisors/advisors to have access to their student's grade

How many schools/R1 schools allow athletic advisors/advisors to have access to their student's grade centers/gradebooks?



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin


    This is a very interesting question!

    I've been trying to look around a bit to see what information is publicly available, and what I've found so far, is in this study on Advising Student-Athletes for Success: Predicting the Academic Success and Persistence of Collegiate Student- Athletes.

    It offers a recommendation that "athletic advisors should review [high school GPA] when analyzing an advisee's record to find potential impediments to academic success" - which suggests there's a broader expectation that athletic advisors have some access to grade related information- but doesn't specifically cite use of an LMS for this purpose.

    That same study, goes onto suggest that "Advisors should insist on access to high school transcripts for incoming students so that they can provide academic assistance (study hall, tutors, and study skill workshops) on the basis of students' prior academic performance. Likewise, for continuing students, lack of success during the first academic year should be viewed as a red flag needing significant attention."

    The focus of the study is on American Higher Education Institutions, but not specifically R1.

    I'm putting your question to some colleagues to see if they have any additional information and will update this thread if I come across something else that might be handy.

    Wishing you the best for a Happy New Year


  • Rose.T.256
    Rose.T.256 Posts: 2 🌱

    Thanks so much @Stefanie Bal729 ! Happy New Year!!!


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 542 admin

    Happy New Year @Rose.Tirotta8389!