Is there a way to make Exempt work with formulas?

Let's say I have two items in my grade book, A and B, each worth 10 points.
And I have a formula item, Total, with the following formula:
(([A.Points Received] + [B.Points Received]) / ([A.Max Points] + [B.Max Points])) * 100
And I have a student who scored 10/10 on item A, and is Exempt for item B.
I am finding that their score for Total is 50, when I would expect it to be 100.
Is there a way to respect Exempt items in a formula?
For formula grade items, grade exemptions affect the scores as follows:
- Formulas treat exemptions as empty (null) grades; however, the Treat ungraded as 0 setting is ignored. If a learner is exempted from a grade, then the exemption and its cascading results are treated as null.
- If a formula grade item used in another formula and the former is empty (null), then it is treated as though it were exempted during the formula calculation.
📄 To learn more about how formula grade items that include exemptions are treated in Brightspace check out the article!
Hi @Aasim Yac947,
Thanks for your response. However, having tested this, I can tell you that it doesn't quite work. Specifically, the value of [Item.Max Points] is not null when Item has an exemption. Perhaps this is a bug?
I have connected your feedback to our product expert to review! Stay tuned here for an update.
Appreciate your patience!
I am also interested in how this resolves, as I also would like to be able to use exemptions in Formula cases and have had issues similar to those described.