Adding points to an attempt

I have an online quiz that’s worth 72 points and the students have already completed it. There is a written portion worth 10 points to add to the 72 thus making total exam worth 82. I know how to update the scores if you edit an Existing question that’s on the attempt but, how do you add the 10 points for the written part if the test is worth 72 and the handwritten doesn’t show an attempt
Thanks for connecting with us here inside the Brightspace Community. To further understand your question, could I ask if you set up that 10 point question as a written response type question? In your quiz, might I recommend using the written response type of question which allows users to attach files and images to support their answers (this is where they could upload their handwritten answers).
Create written response questions
Written response (WR) questions require respondents to write detailed answers in response to open-ended questions. You can enable users to respond in multiple sentences, paragraph answers, or mathematical explanations and calculations, and attach files and images to support their answers.
Users can also respond in HTML code.
Note: HTML code is sometimes stripped from saved written responses if a learner refreshes the page while taking the quiz. As a best practice, encourage users to save a version of their HTML response locally in case they need to refresh the page.
Written response questions are not auto-graded. Quiz attempts that have a combination of auto-graded and written response questions display the status Pending Evaluation on the User and Attempts pages in Quizzes to easily identify attempts that require manual grading by instructors.
I hope this information helps!
Thank you for your help. But this was an assignment where they had to label things. Can’t I add a question to the test and make it worth 10 points?
Unfortunately not. The quiz tool in Brightspace doesn't allow manipulation of the mark's denominator, nor can scoring be done for a question that was added afterwards that wasn't attempted.
The simplest solution is to create an assignment worth 10 points to represent this other part of the test, and weight it appropriately in Grades with the (72-point) quiz.