How to set access token when retrieving content topic file

I received below error message :
{ Errors: [ {Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: content:modules:read"} ] } when using API GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/file
Per D2L document( api le version orgunitid content topics topicid file#put--d2l-api-le-(version)-(orgUnitId)-content-topics-(topicId)-file), its Oauth2 Scopes should be content:topics:read
Currently, the token scope that I set is core:*:* datahub:*:*
What is the syntax to set the scope for content:topics:read ?
Thank you in advance!
Hey @Grace Zhu ,
I can help here. The syntax for the scope is actually exactly as the error message reads:" content:topics:write". If you were doing more with content topics and you could also do something along the lines of "content:*:*".
Thank you,
Thank you very much! It works now.
What is the Content syntax where do I find it even I get same error message @Grace Zhu
@logesh ravichandran I used "content:*:*" for downloading the topic files.