How do I get a paper copy of my Brightspace exam?

I need a paper print-out of an exam that was created in Brightspace. I don't see any way to export the quiz, I tried going to preview, start quiz, but when I try to print from this screen it only prints the first couple questions.
This exact functionality is listed as Not Planned
Try this instead: inspect element and adjust the height on the responsive device viewer. You may have to fiddle around a bit to find the appropriate height.
Edit: it doesn't come out perfect. It may be better to print to PDF, open it in Word, and edit it so none of the questions are cut off by page breaks.
If you have access to the Respondus test editor, it can retrieve the test questions. There are options to print directly or export to Word/RTF for additional formatting.
There is a new API route available in the January 2020 release that might make it possible to develop a script to pull the questions out out -
@Steve.Bentley028 Be aware that the quiz route GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/quizzes/(quizId) provides the questions in incorrect order, and it's incomplete (it does not return attached images, neither does it give the list of options for matching or ordering questions, see
As per Jason's comment above, you're not alone in wanting this feature. It is the most highly voted item on the PIE with 524 votes. Consider up-voting if you support the idea.