How can I set the questions on a page based on the sections in a survey? For example, I want...

How can I set the questions on a page based on the sections in a survey? For example, I want page 1 to contain section 1, page 2 to contain all questions from section 2 etc.
Now I can only indicate the number of questions per page, but since I have several sections with different number of questions, I would like to have one section per page, resulting in different number of questions per page.
Since I can not manually set the page number in the survey and the only option is the evenly distribution of questions per page (e.g. 6 questions per page), this setting as it is now rips apart my sections and that make the survey harder to understand.
When you are on the main page for the survey that lists question and other settings.
You can click on the gray lines between the questions. It will change color. Those are page breaks.
Thank you, I already had a feeling that it should have been easy. Works perfectly!