Course Admin > Learner Management > Sections ??? There is no Sections button.

The instructions for Create or Add Sections says:
- On the navbar, click Course Admin.
- In the Learner Management area, click Sections.
Step 2 cannot be accomplished.
Hi Francis,
You're right that you won't see a button for Sections initially. First, you need to allow the course to have sections. You can do that in the Course Offering Information tool (first one on the list in your screenshot). Inside that area, look for the Sections heading and check off the box that says Course has sections. Then you should see the Sections tool in your Course Admin area.
Let me know if that works for you!
- Meredith
HI Meridith . I have the same problem in a cousre offering and I,m an admin for this ORg . The course information tool does not have the famous check box ''course has sections. I've tried creating another course offering with the manage course tool and the option, this course has sections button is absent. Through the System Config Browser I do not see any vairables for sections that are not ON. I'm missing something at the org level right?
Try the Form Elements tool (accessed by admins via the admin cog). Expand the Form Elements list and select CourseOfferingInfo. Make sure that Sections is checked and then return to your course to enable sections.
Hi Meredith!
My SuperAdmin performed the following this morning:
- Added sections permissions to my user role (Learning Admin)
- Checked the Sections in the Form Elements Tool
- Added a check to the Course Info for Sections
There was nothing under Course Offering Info, unfortunately, and when I check the Course Admin I still cannot see Sections.
Neither she nor I can see the sections menu from the Learner Management section of the course admin at all.
Any insights into what we may have missed?
Yes indeed forms tool does show this parameter. Once done at the org level , course information tool does display the Has sections botton.
Hi @Ray Bishop ,
The only other thing I can think of to check is in the role settings. Your admin may have only checked the permissions and somewhere along the way may have disabled access to sections in the settings. To check, tell them to click on the dropdown menu beside the name of your role and select Edit Settings. At the bottom of the page is where they can manage section access. Your role should have access to all course sections, so that you can create them and see all of your students.
I hope that does it!
Hi @Meredith Stewart ! Good news!
We managed to get Section turned on using the Sections using the information you provided in your last post!
Now I have a new issue: I created two sections but I can't seem to add any users to the sections.
I can see the two sections:
But when I select the sections and click to enroll users
I see no users:
Even when I use a blank search:
Any insights on how to add students to sections in this case?
That's great!
If there aren't any students enrolled in your course, then you won't be able to add anyone to sections. The first step is to enroll your students in the course offering (this is usually done by your administrator), and then you can put them into sections. You can choose who is in which section or you can auto-enroll them. The Considerations when setting up sections page has some good advice.
Hi Meredith, I definitely have users enrolled in the course offering and they have been activated and are able to access the course. They are still not showing up. I can see I have the permissions to view/edit/create/delete sections, but do they have to have any particular permissions set as well? I
I.e. If the users can't see the sections, does that mean that the sections can't see the users?
Learners should have the See Sections permission, but nothing else. This allows them to see other students in their section via the classlist.
It may be that for some reason your admin has given all section access from the Role Settings for your student role? Students should either have auto-enrolled access or none of the above (if you want to be able to manually enroll them). Check with your admin on this one. Maybe all of the default settings have been changed!
Here is what the Learner permissions look like for Sections:
...and here are the Learning Admin permissions:
How about the Role Settings?
If I go to Settings --> Roles and Permissions --> Learner --> Settings I see this :
For Learning Admin I see this:
Maybe it's the See Sections permissions? I.e. Should I have a checkmark in the Sections column or one of the other unchecked columns?
No, it's likely the Role Settings. Change it from Access all course sections to Can be auto enrolled...
If you allow them to access all course sections, then they can't be in a specific section (this is just for instructors).
Yes, that was it!
Thanks Meredith!