A key feature of the Brightspace Data Sets (BDS) is a strong data contract, ensuring that the data we deliver works consistently and changes predictably. To facilitate this, we've developed a change management policy that outlines changes will be made in a way that adds value while protecting that important data contract.
The policy also outlines a version numbering scheme, which is used to communicate and control release of all changes.
Categories of Change
Changes to BDS fall into two categories: Minor Changes and Major Changes.
Change Category | CD Disruption | Enablement | Comments |
Minor | None/Slight | Automatically enabled with no opt-out. | Notice provided in Preview Release Notes with details in Release Notes with GA. |
Minor | Moderate | Automatically enabled with no opt-out. | Notice provided 60 days in advance. |
Major | Large/Severe | Opportunity to opt-in for 4 months before automatically enabled with no opt-out. | Notice provided 60 days in advance with 4-month adoption period. |
Minor Changes
These changes trigger an increment of a minor version number – for example, from version 6.9 to 6.10. It is recommended to develop around these types of changes so that code changes are not required.
Examples of Minor Changes:
Change | Hypothetical Example | Impact | Assumptions | CD Disruption |
Add a new Brightspace Data Set | Intelligent Agents BDS added. | New data set appears in UI and API. | Integrations are designed to ignore new data sets listed in the Data Sets API Route. | Slight |
Add a column to the composite primary key | Primary Key of Quiz Questions BDS updated to include additional columns: one new and one existing. | The combination of columns that functions as Primary Key changes to include one or more additional columns. | Integrations may need to be updated to use new composite Primary Key, but integrations will continue to function using previous composite Primary Key. | Slight |
Remove a column from the composite primary key, but column remains in data set | Primary Key of Quiz Questions BDS updated to no longer require a column, but removed column still exists. | The combination of columns that functions as Primary Key no longer requires one or more columns. | Integrations continue to function using previous composite Primary Key, but integrations may find more value using the new composite Primary Key. | Slight |
Change whether a column can be NULL | Updated a column that previously could be null to not nullable. | No longer need to expect NULL values when processing. | Integrations continue to function when something that could be NULL in the past now has a value for every row. However, there may need to be an update to expect a NULL value where there couldn’t be one before. | Slight |
Append a new column | LastModifiedDate column added to the end of the Grade Objects BDS. | New column appears in data set after existing data elements. | Integrations are designed to ignore new data elements but proceed with other data elements. See a code example that demonstrates one approach to implementing this behavior. | Moderate |
Add new data in the form of additional rows | Soft deletes added to existing BDS. | Additional rows appear in data set. Depending on use, they may need to be filtered out. | Integrations may need to be updated to handle the new rows or filter them out. | Moderate |
Change whether a column can be NULL | Updated a column that previously could not be null to nullable. | Expect NULL values when processing the data set. | Integrations continue to function when something that could be NULL in the past now has a value for every row. However, there may need to be an update to expect a NULL value where there couldn’t be one before. | Moderate |
Change data type of a column | Changed a column's data type from bit to int. | Previous data type is no longer valid. | Integrations may need to be updated to handle the new data type. | Moderate |
Major Changes
Major Changes are disruptive in nature. These changes may trigger an increment of a Major Version number, for example: version 7.x to 8.0. Major Version Changes can be opted into upon release and are automatically adopted four months after the Brightspace monthly update in which they are introduced. Some Major Changes may occur without a new Major Version and these changes will also come with a four month adoption period.
Examples of Major Changes:
Change | Hypothetical Example | Impact | Assumptions |
Remove a column | Removed ObjectLookupId2 column from Calendar Events BDS. | Column no longer exists in BDS. In cases where the column was part of the composite Primary Key, the combination of columns that functions as composite Primary Key no longer requires the column being removed. | Integrations must be updated to no longer expect the column being removed in the BDS. |
Rename a column | Renamed ObjectId to QuizId. | The column name previously used no longer exists, with a new name taking its place. | Integrations must be updated to update the name of the existing column. |
Change character(s) in column name to upper or lower case | Changed HistoryID to HistoryId. | The column name previously used no longer exists, with a new name taking its place. | Integrations must be updated to update the name of the existing column (automatic column detection is case sensitive). |
Remove a dataset | Awards BDS removed. | Dataset is no longer available for download. Some dataset removals may occur without a major version change. | Integrations must be updated to remove dependencies on the removed data set. |
Replace a dataset | Grade Object Log Data BDS replaced by Grade Results Log Data BDS | Both datasets are available during the adoption period on current versions. Replaced dataset is no longer available for download after the adoption period. The new major version BDS will not have the replaced dataset going forward. | Integrations must be updated to remove dependencies on the removed data set. |
Please Note: Exceptions for High Priority Defect Fixes
When a defect is found that results in the inability to continue using a data set or blocks normal use, it will be addressed in the next available release. All attempts to fix the defect without disruption will be considered. However, this fix may include actions classified as Major Changes in the table above if no other options are available. If the impact of not adopting the fix is high, the Major Change may be enabled by default following the release.
Release Scenarios
Minor Changes are automatically adopted during the Brightspace monthly update in which they are introduced. Major Changes are automatically adopted four months after the Brightspace monthly update in which they are introduced. This latency is intended to provide sufficient lead time to update integrations to cope with the change. Clients can opt to adopt the Major Change at any time during the four-month adoption period by updating their Brightspace Data Sets active version (d2l.Tools.BrightspaceDataSets.Version). Refer to Set up Data Hub for instructions.
Scenario A - Minor Version release
A Minor Version is released and automatically adopted.
Example: 8.3 is the current active version. When 8.4 is released, it becomes the active version and 8.3 is no longer available. There are no options to opt out of new changes. Minor Version updates can be expected every release.
Scenario B - Major Version release
A Major Version is released, automatic adoption occurs after a four-month adoption period in which you can opt-in to the major version.
Example: 7.4 is the current active version. When 8.0 is released, it is available to opt-in. Once it has been live for four releases, the active version becomes 8.x and 7.x is no longer available.
Scenario C - Major Version release with Minor Versions that follow
A Major Version is released, any subsequently released Minor Versions replace that opt-in version throughout the four-month adoption period and continue to be added to the current Major Version.
Example: 7.8 is the current active version, and 8.0 is released (as the opt-in version) to allow four releases before automatic adoption. One month later, 8.1 is released and replaces 8.0 as the opt-in version during the adoption period, at the same time 7.9 replaces 7.8. This continues each month until the adoption period ends and the opt-in version becomes the active (and only) version available.
Please note, there may be some cases where the Minor Change being released is not applicable to the current Major Version and will therefore only be applied to the new Major Version and be communicated as such.
Scenario D - Major Version release with another Major Version that follows
When adoption of a Major Version occurs, any subsequent Major Version must wait until there is once again a single version in production before releasing. D2L will only support two active Brightspace Data Set versions at a time.
Example: 7.8 is the current active version, and 8.0 is released as the opt-in version to allow four releases before automatic adoption. Once the 4-month adoption period is over, 8.4 will become the active version (and 7.x will no longer be available) and there is the possibility of releasing 9.0 as the opt-in version which will begin its 4-month adoption period.
Scenario E - Major Version release with BDS replacement
When the major version adoption period begins, the replacement BDS becomes available on both the current version and the new version. Once the adoption period is over, the replaced BDS is no longer available.
Example: 7.8 is the current active version, and 8.0 is released as the opt-in version to allow four releases before automatic adoption. The Replaced BDS is being replaced by the New BDS in 8.0. The New BDS is available on both 7.8 and 8.0. Once the 4-month adoption period is over, 8.4 will become the active version (and 7.x will no longer be available). The Replaced BDS is not available starting with version 8.4.
Tell us what you think
We welcome your feedback on this change management policy and Brightspace Data Sets in general. Please post questions & feedback in the Data and Analytics Community Group or share your feedback with your D2L account representative.
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Revision History:
The Brightspace Data Sets Change Management Policy is updated periodically for ease of use and to communicate the current policy.
10-December-2018 BDS Change Management Policy published.
28-October-2022 Article migrated to new Brightspace Community website.
10-August-2023 Major version adoption period changed from 6 months to 4 months.
24-January-2025 Added a new policy for replacing an existing dataset with a new dataset.