Student Evaluations of Instructors
Hello, We currently use the Brightspace Survey tool to administer our Student Evaluations of Instructors survey. This can be time-consuming for our Curriculum Support person, and we are hoping to find out how others are administering their SEIs. Is there a way to copy surveys to more than one course at a time or multiple…
Permission to use screenshots in a dissertation involving D2L Brightspace
I am a doctoral candidate at Tennessee State University Department of Education. My dissertation is on the satisfaction of HBCU students using D2L Brightspace. I would like to include screenshots of D2L Brightspace. Whom do I need to contact for permission? Best regards, Edward Arnold
How to search discussions
If I'm on the Discussions tab, how can I search for a particular topic? I don't see a search box. Can someone tell me where to find instructions for how to post questions? I can never seem to figure out what to choose for "Select a category" or figure out what is the appropriate tag to use. I hope I chose the right ones…
Why don't I have any messages in my brightspace email
I don't have any messages in my email and I've been sent messages by my instructors and advisor
In the Release Notes for 20.24.10, "Brightspace Editor – Path detection warning & configuration..."
I have enabled the new configuration variable d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.LinkPathDetection to On for the organization (on our test instance). I was able to test and confirm that the new warning about images that exist outside the current course shell do work in the Brightspace Editor in many tools…but…I am not able to get this to…
Examples of Well Designed University Spanish Courses
Hello, I'm an instructional designer from Villanova University in Pennsylvania, USA. We are in the early stages of implementing Brightspace for our higher education university campus. We're migrating from Blackboard (Original) Learn 9.1. I'm working with an early adopter instructor who teaches in our Spanish Department.…
how do I contact support. receiving an internal error message
internal error message when logging into brightspace.
Project Assignment Worksheet Not Opening From Pulse to Word on Mobile Device
I have a Project Assignment that has the instructions written out in the prompt, and then at the bottom has the assignment as a Microsoft Word so the student can edit & write the answers on the worksheet and then upload. My question is for students on a Mobile Device and using the Pulse app - when they open a Word document…
Hello! As I am recently accredited as a teacher of Kai School, I wonder to know how to get the main course of such subjects, namely "International Business" and "Canadian History" ,and since it is my first time to get achance to work in your company, I would be grateful if you could share any material to cherish my basis…
Welcome to the Brightspace Community! Have questions about how to use this space? Check out our Community Corner Knowledge Base for more information! Getting Started With Community - Brightspace (d2l.com) Need a helping hand with something? You're very welcome to post in this thread and be sure to introduce yourself too!
What’s the purpose of this community, I wish to know
How do I get my knowledge enhanced from this community.
How do I delete my account
I made this account by mistake and I’m wondering how to delete it
Date wrong for one of the Brightspace Ideas webinars?
Hello. I registered for the Brightspace Ideas webinar series and when I got the registration confirmation email and added the events to my calendar (downloaded the .ics file), that the date for the November webinar was different. In the calendar file, it is scheduled for Wednesday November 13 but in the article and on the…
Item not showing in My Bookmarks
As you can see below, I have bookmarked this post but it does not show up when I click on "My Bookmarks":
Broken Images on Documentation page: Upload, edit, and play audio-video content with Media Player
I wasn't sure how to send this information - I wish there were a quicklink on your knowledgebase documentation pages to report an error. There are two broken images on the page: These two:
Nesting Categories in Gradebook?
Wondering if someone can help with this very specific issue: I created a Category in my Gradebook for "Assignments" because I only want to count their best 10 submissions towards their final grade. One of my Assignments has two parts - Group and Individual. Each part is associated with a different External Learning Tool…