Assignment Text Annotations not saving
We are seeing an issue where we try to edit text annotations with typos and the the edit is not saving. After the change has been made, it seems to revert to the original version with a typo. According to a Brightspace Community post, I saw that this was fixed in July 2024, but this is still happening.
Assignment Annotation Tool Issues on iPad
I use the annotation tool in Brightspace on an iPad to grade assignments. The pen tool works fine but I can no longer add typed notes. When I select the notes tool and click on the document where I'd like to insert the note, nothing happens. The text tool also isn't working in the same fashion. I have an iPad Pro…
edit comment on assignment submission issue?
Has anyone else had instructors report they cannot edit a comment they've made on an assignment submission with the annotation tools? I want to correct a comment I have previously added, it allows me to edit it but will not save the new edit ie. it reverts back to the old comment? is this a known issue please or is it…
Does the inline feedback/Annotations made to a submission disappear after a course closes?
an instructor with TA access to a course has found that the annotations they made in a previous semester are no longer visible to them?
Known Issues related to the Assignment Annotation Tool
Is anyone else experiencing difficulties with the Assignment Annotation tool? A number of our modern language instructors report problems providing feedback using the tool within BrightSpace. These problems date back to January 2023. This video shows the problems in action. Evidently, there are a SIGNIFICANT number of…
Electronic Annotations - do they support Chinese characters?
Hi D2L/Brightspace friends, I'm working in higher education and trying to assist our Professors with electronic annotations in the Assignments tool. We've noticed that typing Chinese characters into electronic annotations do not display properly in Brightspace (just some garbled letters come out when you save them). Is…
Adding the Annotation tool in Content for Student Use?
The Annotation tools available to instructors when marking up Assignments are great - love them! Is there any plan to add these features to the Content tool, for use by Students? That way, they could highlight text and make notes about key concepts inline, in context. I looked in the Roadmap and the PIE but didn't see any…
Is there a way to upload a PDF for users (students) to annotate?
I am trying to create an assignment where students have to read a passage and then make annotations on the passage. I am trying to avoid having students download the PDF, annotate it externally, and then re-upload the PDF for review. I would like for them to be able to annotate it DIRECTLY in the platform. So far, the only…
Can users provide in-line feedback on content topics?
Is there a way for users to provide in-line feedback within a content topic itself? E.g. If a Course Designer sends their course for review with their Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), can SMEs add their comments directly in the HTML topic? I thought I saw a tool for this a couple of years ago, but I might be confusing it…