Font Size of Generated Captions


Is there a way to reduce the font size on generated captions? I know that you can edit the captions for accuracy. However, the font size is very large even when in full-screen view. I am attaching an example of a video with original captions and the Brightspace-generated captions so you can see the difference. Thank you in advance for your help!


  • Hi @Carmen.L.709

    Thank you for reaching out to Brightspace Community! 

    Is this the only video which is affected, or all videos display caption in such way? Can you please provide the content details? Going through the issue, we feel it is best addressed via a dedicated Support case, as we would need to test/investigate the issue and other specific details.

    May I suggest you open a Support case, so we can take a look and update further.

    We thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Best Regards,

    Syed Hasan

  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    This has been raised by our in-house accessibility guru, along with the fact that captions are hidden away in a menu rather than having a prominent button.

    Most video platforms allow the user to specify the size, font, background etc of captions, but that isn't an option in the Brightspace Media Library.

    I suspect it's a PIE item rather than a Support case that's required here.