Is it possible to get a link to a Brightspace survey outside of Brightspace?

I would like to send out an email to the student body containing a link to a Brightspace survey. I don't want it to be generated through Brightspace so I don't want to use the "invite participants" option. Is there a way to generate a link to a survey.
I'm not aware of that functionality. Wouldn't it be easier to use a 3rd party tool, like O365 forms, Google forms, Surveymonkey, Surveygizmo?
Yes, that would be easier. We are trying to push the use of Brightspace's tools to the faculty. Thank you!
Let me clarify - are the students already enrolled in the course?
If so, it's possible. They would just need to add the Survey to Content, then grab the link from there.
Hi Beth,
This might still be possible to do if the following conditions are amenable:
- the survey is anonymous
- you have access to a "test user" with an email address for which you can access the inbox -- an account that's not a real student
The "invite participants" option generates a URL with the {SurveyLinkStart} some text {SurveyLinkEnd} replace string. This URL, when clicked in an email, will open a browser and load the survey, for that user, without the need of logging in (though they would need to log in to do anything else in Brightspace).
If you "invite participants" (<-- a new verb) that "test user", and copy the URL from the email you receive into your email to the student body, any student who clicks on it will have the survey loaded as that "test user". The end result is a survey taken by that "test user" many many times, but the stats will all be there for all the attempts... you just won't know who the student for any attempt was; this is the anonymous part. Just make sure to set the survey to allow unlimited attempts.
Now this is clearly a workaround, and if any of these conditions are deal-breakers, then an external survey as suggested by others would be better.
Hope this helps.