Feature Request: Sort by date on High Impact Changes Page

Autumn.M.454 Posts: 20 🌱
edited April 2023 in Release Notes


We have had a request for the high impact changes timeline https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/1047-high-impact-changes-timeline to be sortable by date (so you can quickly see what is coming up soon, etc.) The new Product Roadmap visual does help with that but it has a lot of things that aren't high impact changes on there as well (so not a perfect solution).

Recently we heard of the ability to sort/export content on community pages might be considered. In those considerations, please look at a way to sort by date on the High Impact Changes Timeline page (either the page itself or some type of attachment).


  • Hi Autumn,

    Thank you for bringing to our attention this request. I will follow up with our internal teams to get it added to the feature requests for the High Impact Changes Timeline for Brightspace document.

    Thank you,


  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Autumn_Moore - The classification of High Impact is based on a few specific criteria, and everything on the list meets those criteria. But to your question about sorting, I can absolutely sort it by date going forward. Due to our publishing and localization schedules for May, I won't be able to get that done for this week's Final RN publication, but I'll have it in the June Preview on May 11.
    As you're aware, we are working on a way to sort the Known issues and Fixed Issues list using an attached spreadsheet. The High Impact (and other articles) is not being considered for that functionality at this point. We continue to work with our Community platform vendor to get more of our feature requests built in - one of which is, indeed, table support. We'll be sure to keep you informed about when we're able to provide that functionality in the wider Brightspace Community.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Autumn_Moore - you should see the changes to the High Impact Changes Timeline is now sorted by date as of the Preview Release Notes posted yesterday.