Show correct/incorrect for fill in the blank questions?

I have a fill in the blanks question with five blanks. If a student correctly fills in all five blanks they get full points. If some of their responses are incorrect, they get partial credit. When they review their submission, they can see their score on the question overall but they tell me they can't see which responses were correct and which were incorrect.
How can I make it so that they can see which blanks were filled in correctly and which were filled in incorrectly?
They are allowed to take the quiz as many times as they like and only their highest score is recorded. I have a check mark in the "On new attempts, only allow answers for previously incorrect questions." Default submission view is as follows:
Date: immediately
Show Questions? Show all questions with user responses
Show question answers: No
Statistics: none
Should I have posted this question somewhere else?
@Andre.Mount8810 I'm not sure that the fill in the blank question will show which blank is correct or not in a submission view. You might have to separate them out into separate questions.
Thanks @Jennifer.Wagner3830. I'm thinking the same thing, Unfortunately I have some other, more complicated fill-in-the-blank questions where separating the parts isn't an option.
Can anyone tell me definitively whether or not is possible to make it so that students can see which blanks were filled in correctly and which were filled in incorrectly?
Hi @Andre.Mount8810 ,
If you select the ‘All questions, with correct answers' and the ‘Attempt Grade’ and ‘Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion’ options are checked, correct responses and a list of corrects answers will be available to learners.
I hope this is helpful😀
Thanks for the suggestion @Julie Low558. I think there might be some confusion here, though.
I might be wrong, but based on how the (blue) answers are listed in the image, I think your screenshot might be showing a “Multi-Short Answer” question. Your screenshot (and the wording of the question therein) makes it seem like your example has four blanks, each of which may be filled in with any of the five listed answers. Is that the case?
I'm asking about a “Fill in the Blanks” question, where each blank is associated with at least one specific answer and which may have text fields in between the blanks. I'd like to know if a student's response to each individual blank can be shown as correct/incorrect (without revealing the correct answers) for this type of question specifically.