I do not see a menu bar at the top of for instance pdf or office files when added as content pages

I noticed that recently (I can't quite remember when) I don't see a menu bar anymore when vieuwing pdf or Office files in Brightspace. There used to be a menu bar at the top, as shown in the following image.
But now I don't see it anymore. Is this feature or a bug? Perhaps a Brightspace update removed that menu bar. Does anyone know? And also which update it was?
Kind regards,
Hi Arman,
Are you looking at the student view or instructor view?
The download option is there in student view.
Thanks for your reply :)
Yes, the download icon, I reckon you mean the cloud with a downward point arrow is there in student view. As it alsways has been :) However, I used to have a whole menu bar underneath as I've shown in my previous post. (The image was actually taken in the student view.) But this specific menu bar isn't present anymore, lately.
Can't you remember this menu bar?
Kind regards,
Hi Arman,
Thank you for reaching out to the D2L Brightspace Community! Based on what you are describing, we would be needing more details to investigate this further. Would you remember the timeframe when this was last visible or the version of Brightspace ? I am assuming you were seeing this in Content tool with pdf files.Could I please request you to open a case regarding this in the ASC Portal? That will allow us to assign a support agent who can investigate this further and see what's happening there.
Unaib Nazir