Embedding MS Stream Videos: Permission Issues

Katherine.F.342 Posts: 12 Analytics Builder Transition
edited February 2023 in K-12

We have had several faculty members try embedding MS Stream videos into their courses and run into several issues related to permissions. Basically, even if a video is set to be available to anyone to watch, they get an error in Brightspace saying "You don't have access." Has anyone else run into similar issues and/or found a solution?



  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    Yes we found this to be an issue, particularly for Mac users. We resorted to suggesting that instructors also include a link as well as the embed, which should work.

  • Em.M.9728
    Em.M.9728 Posts: 2 🔍

    I'm coming into this thread a bit late, but here's what worked for my institution!

    I recommend doing this for a folder and keeping all of your videos in that folder so you don’t have to repeat this process for each video. 

    1. Right-click the file in OneDrive. 
    2. Select "Manage Access."  
    3. In the Manage Access popup, select the "Groups" tab. 
    4. Select "+ Share with a group."  
    5. In the "Add a name, group, or email" field, enter "Everyone except external users." Often, the option will pop up before you finish typing the entire phrase. 
    6. Select the desired permissions level. We usually use Can View or Can't Download (which is Can View without download permissions). 
    7. Select "Copy link." This will save the sharing permissions. I believe clicking Send will also work and will not send an email to your entire institution, but the idea of that happening gives me hives, so I always use "Copy link" instead.