Can A Learner Respond to Assignment Feedback?

In our system, our Coaches will review the Assignments submitted by our Learners. They may provide some feedback using the Feedback feature within Brightspace. If the Learner wishes to discuss or comment on that feedback, is there a way to do so through the Feedback area?
I recognize that they can send messages separately, but I wanted to verify it is not a supported feature before recommending this course of action.
No they can't respond back in the feedback area.
This is a feature request.
PIE D2596 I made it back in 2015
Thanks for the quick response, Jonathan! I go to deliver the bad news, hopefully with little of the 'I told you this!' attitude.
I did see that D2L is thinking about adding this to the road map in the future. But no time line is in place for it yet. If that will make them feel a little better.
Thanks for asking them to do that, Jonathan. I really wish it were already an option.