How can I turn spellcheck on (for announcements and discussions)?

I thought spellcheck was always on but I am working with an academic who cannot turn spellcheck on for announcements and discussions (or HTML pages for that matter). THe browser spell check is turned on too. It means every time he wants to type an announcement, he must first type it in word and then copy and paste over. This sounds a bit inefficient to me.
For the record, I have looked at Youtube videos and what-not, and we have no little ABC at the bottom of the text entry box as present in the videos.
Hi Sue!
My name is Owen and I'd be happy to provide some clarity re: Spellcheck in the Brightspace Platform.
Unfortunately, spellcheck is no longer included in the Brightspace editor.
Therefore, I would recommend that you ask your academic if they could work with enabling their spellcheck, depending on what browser they are currently running. I have attached an example walk-through for Chrome below:
I hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out if you need further assistance,
Dear Owen
Thank you for your speedy response.
That was my first port of call yesterday as well. He had it turned on - he uses Firefox so he shared his screen and we checked together.
Do you think it may become available again or is it because of the spellcheck enabler across browsers, negates the need for the spellcheck?
Thanks again, Sue
Hi Sue,
Of course! Happy to help.
Hmmm… that's curious that even with Firefox's browser spellcheck turned on it wasn't recognizing it. Other than suggesting you submit a "spellcheck return" idea to the Product Idea Exchange
there's one other thing we could try here:Try having this individual sign in and operate Brightspace through a different browser with spellcheck turned on (try Chrome, Safari, whatever!) and see if it recognizes it. It might just be a pairing issue with Firefox that we could then make note of and put in a support ticket for.
I hope this helps, feel free to let me know any updates moving forward!
Hi Owen
I hik he is using Edge because he has changed browsers for Brightspace and is now picking up spellcheck.
Thank you for your support here.
Hi Sue,
Incredible! I'm glad I could help.