Email out-of-office

Hi all. Is there a way to set up an auto-reply for email messages received in Brightspace? More and more students are sending late night and weekend email messages through the course shell and are expecting an immediate response (even after being advised in News that one will not be forthcoming until the following day). Hoping there is a way to remind them, rather than dealing with emails every ten minutes asking why I have yet to respond.


  • Nikhil.P.90
    Nikhil.P.90 Posts: 107

    @Terrence.B.2016 Hi Terrence,

    Thank you for reaching out to us on the Community site.

    The Brightspace Learning Environment (LE) does not currently have a feature for sending auto-reply emails to emails received in the LE.

    However, there is a feature request submitted as below in the Product Idea Exchange that aligns with your ask that I recommend you upvote,


    Out of Office Email Reply (D1352)

    Direct Link:


