My Roll changed. Search feature now shows hundreds of irrelevant courses

Under the Import/Export/Copy Components, there is a "Search for offering" function under Copy Components. It used to display search results of courses I was an Instructor for. Recently that has begun displaying search results for every course my department has ever taught since the beginning. My role in my organization was elevated 1 year ago but that function worked the same as it had up until recently. Something changed and my IT dept doesn't know why. I want it to only display my courses.


  • Chris.S.534
    Chris.S.534 Posts: 375

    Hi Matthew.W,

    It sounds like you have been assigned a cascading role at the organisational level or at a lower level in the hierarchy e.g. Department level or similar, therein giving you access to all Org Units in your institutions Brightspace environment, or everything below the Department(s).

    Please have your IT department check if you have been assigned a cascading role, and/or enrolled into a Department org unit or similar in that role. They can then adjust accordingly.

    Hope that helps!