Would you have a list of accessible Creator+ Elements and Practice features?
Hello D2L,
I am wondering if you have a list of Creator+ Elements that are accessible. For example, when I use the Tabs element then I run the accessibility checker, I get a warning message.
It would be great to know which Elements and Practice features are accessible.
Thank you.
Best Answer
Hey Noelle,
Thanks for reaching out!
This particular error is only invoked in Preview mode, rather than in the Learner-facing view. This means that learners will not encounter this error when going through the content.
All Creator+ Elements and Practices are accessible. We performed multiple rounds of accessibility testing when building these and can confirm that they adhere to accessibility standards.
For more Creator+ information and discussions, I'd encourage you to join our Creator+ Community group. It's a great space to ask Creator+-related questions and get timely information about new features.
Thank you, let me know if you have any other questions for me!
@Joey.S.348 Thank you so much. That helps!