How do you apply Header row and column distinction in tables?

Cheryl.C.60 Posts: 2 Analytics Builder Transition
edited April 2024 in Accessibility

How do you apply Header row and column distinction in tables in Brightspace WYSIWYG and / or HTML editor? There is nothing in the properties sections to apply this without knowing HTML. This would be a good addition to the table properties box.


Best Answer

  • Johnny.B.962
    Johnny.B.962 Posts: 102
    Answer ✓

    @Cheryl.C.60, good question! This one is super easy to miss, but it's there. First, make a table, highlight the cells you want to be headers, and select the Table icon on the toolbar.

    Then select the Cell option from the dropdown.

    Then select the Cell Properties option.

    In the Cell Properties dialog, set the Cell type to "Header cell"

    That will make the cells in the table header cells. By default this will bold the text within the cell and center it. If you are creating/editing an HTML page that's using a template, then different cell header styles will be applied.

    Hope that helps!

    D2L LAM
