Why is there a 1 minute limit on audio created with "Video Note"?

Can someone please explain the rationale for limiting an audio recording to 1 minute when using "Insert Stuff" - "Video Note" (then toggling to "Audio only"? Students have the ability to record for 30 minutes if they record video but only 1 minute if they record audio.
This video shows what it looks like.
The same is true when using the "Record Audio" or "Record Video" options in an assignment (see images below).
My question is why. It doesn't make sense that it's a space-saving measure. Video files will be larger than audio. Is there an actual reason because it feels kind of arbitrary?
Tags: audio, recording
I would also encourage people to watch this video which shows the many different and inconsistent ways in which audio is created, organized, and displayed within BrightSpace.
My guess is this is historical - video used to have a similar limit and this was increased during the pandemic, it may be that audio wasn't included in that.
@Steve.B.446 Thanks for the reply Steve. I'll dig into it further.
Update: our TLS team was able to extend the duration to 30 minutes to match video.
Hi @Mike.B.559, we are seeing the audio is only 1 minute. How do we get it changed to 30 min?
Thank you,
@Holly.S.916 I contacted Teaching and Learning Sevices team, the group at our institution that interacts directly with BrightSpace. I'm not sure if they made a change to settings on our end or contacted the company and asked them to make the change. I think it may have been the former. Hope this helps.