How do I insert an accordion?

How do I insert an accordion?


  • Craig.R.185
    Craig.R.185 Posts: 22

    Hi @Sharon.K.66 . Accordions in web pages are the result of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that the Brightspace Editor doesn't generate natively. This leaves the following options to created accordions in Brightspace new page content pages:

    • Use a helper application to generate the code for us
      • If your institution has licensed Creator+, you'll have some extra options in the Brightspace editor in the "+" "Insert Other Elements" menu: Insert Element, Insert Practice, Layouts. Select the first of these, Insert Element, to create an accordion with the help of a form to fill out.
      • If your institution hasn't licensed Creator+, there are some outside-of-Brightspace utilities that might be able to generator the necessary code, such as H5P or Lumi.
    • Write the code to create accordions. This isn't a good recommendation for most, but I don't know your background or what people you have access to. 😀