LOR vs Shared Files?

I would like to upload public, non-shareable files that can be accessed within and outside D2L. Does anyone have a preference of LOR vs the Shared Files function in D2L?
The Shared Files are going to be the easiest method. All you need to do is provide the URL. Using the LOR would require creating an externally accessible LOR and explaining to non-D2L users how to access your new LOR.
Thanks John! I have now uploaded my files in a new Shared Files folder, but I can't get a dedicated URL for the files like I would in LOR. Do you have any advice on that?
You'll need a URL that points directly to the file which is stored in Shared Files. i.e. https://[brightspace URL]/shared/[file name]
Remember to include any subdirectories if your file isn't stored in the root of Shared Files.
Brilliant! Thank you!