Move Student to Course Copy while maintaining progress

Posts: 3 🌱
We have a student enrolled in course version 1. We would like to create a course version 2 that is virtually identical. We would like to move the student from version 1 to version 2 while maintaining all tracked user progress. In other words, we'd like the move from version 1 to version 2 to be essentially transparent to the user, with the completed content items still being flagged as completed. Is this possible?
You would need to contact the D2L helpdesk if you are hosted by D2L. They would have to copy over the database information from one course offering to another. This isn't something we can do ourselves.
Thank you
Thanks for that information, @Jonathan Sorrenti . I had no idea they could do that for us; we've been using a very unpleasant manual process when it has to be done.