New Banner integration and Crosslisting

Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
edited November 2022 in Partners

Is anyone in the new Ellucian-Brightspace Banner integration trial? If so, are you still doing your D2L crosslisting manually, or is there a better solution?



  • Carli.Cockrell6162
    Carli.Cockrell6162 Posts: 3 🌱
    edited November 2022

    Would also like to know if anyone out there is using it, as well.

  • Jonathan.K.456
    Jonathan.K.456 Posts: 3 🌱
    edited November 2022

    Nothing helpful to add, but I would also love to hear the answer to Renee's question.

  • Greg.Nelson1543
    Greg.Nelson1543 Posts: 1 🌱
    edited November 2022

    I would love an answer to this as well as we are in testing for Banner integration now.

  • Dan.S.84
    Dan.S.84 Posts: 16 ⏸️ Inactive
    edited November 2022

    @Renee Judd​ The functionality is out-of-box section association behavior and works as expected.  With ILP you will be able to create and manage section associations with enrollments. I'm pinging @Mike Kaastra​ to add some more commenting around this.

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
    edited November 2022

    Currently we use the CLIMI which is tedious and time consuming and only eligible for P1 fixes. I am very interested to see how it will work in Banner 9.

  • Mike.Kaastra411
    Mike.Kaastra411 Posts: 3
    edited November 2022

    @Renee Judd​ At this point there has just been a single Banner customer moving to Ellucian ILP (several Colleague Customers). Additional adoption is expected after the GA in August.


    There is support for automation of the explicit/official crosslistings from the SIS via what is referred to as "Section Association" messages. This wasn't available in our old Banner Integration Component (AKA Banner Adapter) solution except as a customization. For Banner, these result in Course Offerings containing multiple sections. Colleague doesn't actually send Section Association messages because Ellucian merges the sections into a single section on their end.


    For what we often refer to as "crosslistings for convenience", where an instructor wishes to merge several sections into the same offering, there is a parallel UI to the Crosslistings Tool in the Banner Adapter or Course Mappings Interface in Holding Tank called the Section Association Interface. It generally covers the same use cases as the other UI's.


    With regards to the tedious and time consuming comment, the most common request we have is to put control of these "crosslistings for convenience" into the instructors control (in a very safe and usable way). Is this the type of behavior you're looking for? Or is there something else you are expecting?

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
    edited November 2022

    Mike, what we are moving to is Banner 9. We are currently at Banner 8.

    We do not give instructors any control of crosslisting, and do not want that to happen!

    What I have to do in the CLIMI is basically to do in D2L the cross listing that has already been done in Banner. I would like for there to be a way for most or all of this job to be done through the integration.

    There has been no discussion of Banner ILP at my institution.

  • Carli.Cockrell6162
    Carli.Cockrell6162 Posts: 3 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Renee, we are also in the same scenario as you. We are preparing for the upgrade to 9, however. We are having a scenario where we have to manually combine about 60 courses that really are one course. It would be so nice if they came over how they are tabled in Banner!

  • Mike.Kaastra411
    Mike.Kaastra411 Posts: 3
    edited November 2022

    The Ellucian Intelligent Learning Platform based solution that was just released supports automatically communicating the "official" cross-listings from Banner to Brightspace, which is a key differentiator from our previous Banner Adapter solution. This is baked into Ellucian's ILP solution for both Banner and Colleague.


    As always, these can be supplemented with additional cross-listings through Brightspace in order to support Instructors teaching in Brightspace the way they want to teach, regardless of how things are represented in the SIS (In the event of multiple classes getting the same content and assignments for example).


    There are currently no plans to add the "automated" support to the previous Banner Adapter solution as Ellucian ILP is the latest and greatest solution from Ellucian, and the long term integration path forward for Ellucian customers.

  • Mike.Kaastra411
    Mike.Kaastra411 Posts: 3
    edited November 2022

    If you'd like to have the opportunity to hear about this capability first hand, and ask other questions of our Banner Dev Partner institution, Please Join D2L, Ellucian and several of our Development Partners as we host a Webinar on September 26 entitled: Exploring the new vendor supported Brightspace integration with Banner and Colleague by Ellucian.



  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
    edited November 2022

    Thanks, Mike! I've signed up for that.

  • Gabriel.Smith7553
    Gabriel.Smith7553 Posts: 2 🌱
    edited November 2022

    We've had our official Banner crosslistings done automatically in D2L since 2012. I think we had this in our prior LMS as well.


    What I am more interested in is the "crosslisting for convenience" - when instructors have multiple sections or courses that use the same content and want to merge everything into one course. We're looking into creating a custom application for this. Anyone have any suggestions?


    Apparently Canvas has an interface for instructors to do this themselves. They just search for the sections to merge, select them and click Crosslist. It's only a few steps.

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
    edited November 2022

    @Gabriel Smith​ , how is the automatic crosslisting with Banner working for you? Is it really seamless?

  • Mike.S.966
    Mike.S.966 Posts: 4 🌱
    edited November 2022

    I have been following this thread intently since we are a Banner school (recently updated to version 9). We are in the middle of transitioning to D2L as our new LMS and we are implementing ILP.


    I can't seem to wrap my head around how people are doing "cross-listing of convenience" where an instructor has multiple sections of the same course in a single course offering in D2L.


    Is that possible and is that being done on the D2L side, the Banner side, or some other piece? I don't yet find that feature in the ILP console but it's pretty new from what I gather. Any ideas?

  • Gabriel.Smith7553
    Gabriel.Smith7553 Posts: 2 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Renee Judd​ The automatic Banner crosslistings in D2L have probably saved us hundreds of hours. The only thing is the courses have to be set up with the crosslisting and integration partner codes in Banner before the term load goes into D2L. Otherwise, we have to manually enable, crosslist or uncrosslist.


    @Mike Smith​ For the non-Banner crosslistings "for convenience", you might have to ask D2L to enable and/or customize the Crosslistings Management tool for you. It's another option in the admin/gear menu for admins under SIS Integrations. We create a new "parent" course using the regular Course Management interface first and then we use that tool to select the children to crosslist under it. There are hundreds of these per year so it's very time-consuming. I am currently trying to figure out how to automate the process either by running a job (for the ones that are always crosslisted every year) or allow the instructors to do it themselves (for the ones that might have different sections and may not be crosslisted every year).

  • Jeffrey.Weiberg1657
    Jeffrey.Weiberg1657 Posts: 1 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Renee Judd​ @Mike Smith​ 

    I just completed manually cross-listing (combining) all our Fall 2020 courses from Banner to D2L.

    Is there a tool/program/process available to make this time consuming process much more efficient? I've been scouring the community, and internet to find something that will work. So far, I have nothing that will walk me through the process. Generally, I spend two full days doing nothing but manually combining cross-listed courses.

    Any assistance/guidance to a platform that reduces this task is greatly appreciated.

  • Mike.S.966
    Mike.S.966 Posts: 4 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Jeffrey Weiberg​ Are you using IPSIS Section Association tool? It is indeed time consuming but unless you have Ellucian ILP doing your cross-listing from the Banner side, the D2L IPSIS Section association is the way to go.


    Even with the "automatic" cross-listings coming from the Banner side, we have to do a bit of manual tweaking within D2L to get it to work right. But that is probably a bit less time consuming that building it all from scratch in IPSIS Section association. At least that's my perception.


    Happy to try to additional questions if you have them.

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123
    edited November 2022

    @Jeffrey Weiberg​, Do you have an Ellucian Banner integration? Does it include a tool called CLIMI for cross-list management? If not, see if you can get it; it at least provides you with a tool that maintains Banner integration.

    If, on the other hand, the CLIMI is what you mean by "manually", It also would take me at least two full days working in the CLIMI each quarter. I would be happy to share my remembered experience of the tool.

    There was a way to automate cross-listing with our legacy Banner integration. We could not use it because it required that the CRNs not be sent to D2L prior to the cross-listing. That did not work with our business process.

    Now, we have replaced our legacy Banner integration with an API-based solution for generating D2L events based on Banner. It includes cross-listing as ONE of the event types.

  • Chris.H.661
    Chris.H.661 Posts: 2 🌱
    edited November 2022

    We have an ellucian banner brightspace ILP integration. I'm looking for documentation on how to use the ipsis section association tool to do cross listing of courses. Can anyone point me to the documentation? Best, -Chris

  • Mike.S.966
    Mike.S.966 Posts: 4 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @chris hyatt​ Here are D2L's instructions for using IPSIS:

  Section association


    If you have ILP configured to do Banner-side cross-listings, it should generate many of those automatically.


    We still use IPSIS to do some "cross-listing of convenience" as our Registrar's office will only cross-list some things in Banner.


    So we essentially end up with two types of cross-listing:

    1. What is done in Banner, and thus generated by ILP integration
    2. Cross-listings done via IPSIS inside of D2L.


  • Chris.H.661
    Chris.H.661 Posts: 2 🌱
    edited November 2022

    @Mike Smith​ Thank you Sir!