Is there a report to show assignments submitted by section?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 138 Analytics Builder Transition
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

We have an assignment where I just realized some evaluators aren't logging in weekly to evaluate the assignment submitted in their section. Is there an easy (or even not so easy) report I can generate to list the sections and how many unevaluated assignments are in each section?


For context:

  • This is a course with no start/end date. People self-enroll and complete the course and its assignment when they can.
  • Originally, we were manually assigning evaluators to assignments, but it required a lot of overhead. (The assignments are marked anonymously, so we were giving out timestamps to evaluators, "Go evaluate the assignment submitted on November 1 at 13:51.")
  • To try to "automate" the process, the divided the course into sections and told evaluators, "log in once a week and check for assignments in your section." Obviously the latter isn't working either.


  • Hello @Maureen Barrow​,


    Thanks for your question.


    If you have access to the Brightspace Data Hub, I think the report "Assignment Submissions" could work. Normally this report is fully refreshed once per week, with differentials every night to show activity that occurred over the previous 24 hours.


    In that data set, you'll fin the dropbox ID (which you can find by hovering over an assignment name from the Assignment page of the course in question). There is also the Org Unit ID, which is the unique ID of the course the Assignment is located in. Further along the columns, you'll see an 'is graded' column, which will either be true or false. Using this data you should be able to sort out the information based upon the Assignment and the course offering to get an idea of what needs to be evaluated.


    Hope this helps. If you have any questions please let us know.

  • Maureen.B.923
    Maureen.B.923 Posts: 138 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited November 2022

    The easiest solution was:

    1. Export the Assignment Submissions dataset
    2. Export the classlist via the Grades tool (it has a "Sections" column option)
    3. Map the two

    Since then, I've automated this report using Insights Report Builder.