Award Release Condition

Benoit.C.2 Posts: 9 🌱

If my SCORM has an internal rule of 80% view to be considered completed/successul, wich release condition should I be using: Visited all content topic or Completed content topic?

Best Answer

  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 296 ⏸️ Inactive
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @Benoit.C.2 ,

    Thanks for connecting with the Brightspace Community!

    Hoping I can help to clarify your question. Content Visited only requires a content item be opened by a user for this condition to be met. Content Completed requires the user to complete all requirements for the content item to be met. It seems like in your case, if you are looking at 80% of content being 'viewed', then your best bet is to use the 'visited all content topics' setting.

    I hope that helps to answer your question.πŸ˜€
