403 Forbidden error for bds/list request
Posts: 5 🌱
in Development
We have two environments, one for testing and the other is PROD environment. I am working on the testing environment.
Thus, I am using baseURL like: https://****test.brightspace.com
core:*:* datahub:dataexports:download,read
My request is:
Response 403 Forbidden:
"type": "http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#not-authorized",
"title": "Not Authorized",
"status": 403,
"detail": "No permission to Access the Brightspace Data Sets"
Can anybody help? Thanks
We have two environments, one for testing and the other is PROD environment. I am working on the testing environment.
Thus, I am using baseURL like: https://****test.brightspace.com
core:*:* datahub:dataexports:download,read
My request is:
Response 403 Forbidden:
"type": "http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#not-authorized",
"title": "Not Authorized",
"status": 403,
"detail": "No permission to Access the Brightspace Data Sets"
Can anybody help? Thanks
Hi Shawn,
Just to note GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/dataExport/bds/list is a legacy action as per the following note available at
The preference is to use GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/datasets/bds documented at
The 403 Forbidden indicates the calling user (role) doesn't have the necessary permission to access the Brightspace Data Sets. Check the API service user role you have created or similar has the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission.
Hope that helps!
Thank you very much for reply, @Chris.S.534, let me check it out.