looking for some information on how to get started with D2L integrations
I'm aware that I need someone internal to my organization to approve the application and give me the Key pairs, however I'm just curious on a few things like what the main difference is between the ID-Key authentication versus the 0Auth 2.0. I'm looking to build a discord bot to automatically post the due dates for the classes I'm enrolled in with a potential ability to later on expand to a desktop application with some custom integration features. One thing i did read was that 0Auth 2.0 has a max time of 20 hours does this mean that I would have to reauthenticate my applications every 20 hours or is there another way that I haven't discovered yet
anything that your able to provide me with would be
Damian Bernatchez
Hi Damian,
As outlined at
ID-key authentication is a legacy authentication system and is deprecated; D2L no longer offers full support for, nor encourages the use of, this legacy authentication system.
The recommendation is to use OAuth, see Brightspace API Authentication Guide - Best Practices. Brightspace supports a “service user pattern” for application integrations. Your app will need to run with this Service Account to perform the actions you need to take with the APIs. The Brightspace API Authentication Guide - OAuth 2.0 covers the typical authentication flow.The Brightspace GitHub repository has several examples using OAuth 2.0 refresh tokens that will be useful with your application development.
Hope that helps!