Do you upload files via Content itself or via Manage Files?

Just wondering if there's any particular pros/cons to using either method, or implications to the backend e.g. processing of data.
Hope to hear from the users!
Best Answer
Hi Yi,
You can do both. Content added via the Content tool is loaded into the root of the content directory in Manage Files for the course. These files are not organised in anyway, aside by name from 0-9 A-Z, they are all sitting at the same level in the root directory. If you upload 2 files with the filename the second file will have its name changed with the text '- Copy' added to it, e.g. 'filename - Copy.pdf' This can potentially make it difficult to find the right file to edit/update if the need arises in the future.
If uploading existing content in bulk its good practise to organise it outside of Brightspace before loading it. Zip up the entire content directory and load that file into the Manage Files area of you course. Thereafter, unzip the package as you content is organised as intended. This approach makes it easier to update files in the future. You can also achieve the same outcome by creating a suitable directory structure in Manage Files and load files directly into that.
If you haven't already seen them, some useful resoures below:
Hope that helps!