The "Create a Discussion Topic" does not reflect the updated experience
Best Answer
Hello @Dawn.B.857 ,
Thank you for raising this question.
I will bring this to the attention of our knowledge team who can review the content and will consider re-authoring the video tutorial to reflect the updated experience.
In the meantime, here are some additional resources you may find helpful:
- written instructions on How to Create and manage discussions.
- release note highlight on The New Discussion Creation Experience | Instructor
TIP: you can browse the full collection of Brightspace Tutorial (by date of release) by visiting the Videos tab of Brightspace Tutorials YouTube channel, then filtering by Latest. You can also perform a search to narrow down your selection.
I hope that helps!
Great, thank you. It would be great to have a video, similar to what was available before. I appreciate you looking into this and please do keep me posted if the decision is to create one and the timeline, if there is one. Thanks again!