Is there a way to create a checklist an instructor can complete in a course?

I want to create a small checklist for instructors to complete in a course that allows them to tick off certain tasks related to course setup. Currently my instructors are unable to do this as they have the permission to allow them to create checklists, so when they click on the link to the checklist they can only edit what I have already created, not complete it themselves. Is there a way around this or an alternative checklist tool I can use without downgrading their current checklist permissions?
Hi Scott,
Thank you for asking this question.Did you get a chance to go through the following article? Let me know if you have any related questions
@Furkan.K.312 although that article is helpful, it's information I am already fully aware of. I know how to setup a checklist. The problem I have is I need the instructor in the course to complete it, not the student, but because the Instructor has permissions that allow them to create and edit checklists, they can't complete the one I have created for them in the course, only edit it.
Hi Scott,
Thank you for your response. I believe this involves a detailed investigation. Can you please spin up a support case, and someone will investigate and update you?
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you.
Is there an answer to this question? We are trying to do something similar where we don't need the student to check it off, we need the instructor to be able to do it. For example, we have some self-paced learning that the student does on their own, but there's an in-class component to the course as well. We'd like to make it possible for the instructor or admin to go into that course and have an item they can check (checkbox) that confirms they have completed the in-class portion of the course as well.
The item would be as simple as:
The student has completed the in-class portion of this course [ checkbox ]And that checkbox would be required to consider the course fully complete.