Can Turnitin be enabled on Assignments by default?

I'm referring to at least the first highlighted checkbox in this screenshot, and ideally, the second as well.
Not the GradeMark, no.
I should have specified this is for Originality checking, not Grademark.
I believe you need GradeMark on to use the Originality Check.
Yes, we have set d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.OriginalityCheckDefault to
on for our organisation.
EDIT: This does not auto enable Turnitin Grademark for your assignment, but it does auto enable originality check IF you manually enable Grademark.
Originality Checker is the only TII product we have licensed. I'll try that CVB object.
I set that d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin.OriginalityCheckDefault value to ON for a specific OrgUnitID (a Course Offering) and added a new Assignment. I switched to the "Turnitin" tab after providing an Assignment name and the "Originality Check" was not enabled. And since we don't have Grademark, Grademark cannot be manually enabled. So it looks like the answer is "no."
We used to have the full Turnitin's "Feedback Studio," but originality check was the main thing we used it for. Brightspace's Annotation Tool fulfills the Grademark functionality for us. We switched to TII's "Originality Check" (only) product for about half of what we were paying for Feedback Studio.
I just submitted a PIE item for this, please consider voting on it, thanks. Allow Turnitin to be enabled by default for Originality Check (D8722)