What are the Media Integration role permissions?
I searched the Roles and Permissions documentation
(About roles and permissions - Brightspace) and could not find information about the permissions under the Media Integration tool.
These permissions are accessible to administrators when creating or editing a role from Roles & Permissions in the Brightspace LE.
What do these permission allow the user to do, see, and are other permissions required for the permissions to be effective?
Hi Suzanne.
Both "Search YouTube" and "Search Flickr" are as you would assume."Search Creative Commons Licensed Content": Allows users to Choose the commons radio option when using the Flickr search tool within the Insert Stuff dialog.
"Include Content Licensed for Non-commercial Use": Allows users to Search for images that are licensed for non-commerclal use only when using the Flickr search tool within the Insert Stuff dialog.
And both of these latter 2 permissions are dependendant on the "Search Flickr" permission.
Hope that helps,-omar
Can these be added to the Roles and Permissions documentation
(About roles and permissions - Brightspace)? -
Hi Suzanne - Good call! I will make that recommendation to the documentation team.