Brightspace Documentation now available in multiple languages!

Judy.B.556 Posts: 58 admin
edited March 2023 in Community Corner

Changing how the world learns isn't just a fun tagline at D2L. For a few months now, we've been helping our clients and users transition their processes from the Legacy Community and Brightspace Help to the New Brightspace Community. We're continuing to work on identifying content gaps and adding new features to make the New Brightspace Community an even better experience for everyone.

This month, we have a great milestone to share! Brightspace documentation is now available in additional languages to support clients worldwide. In addition to English (US), you can now access Documentation and Release Notes in French (Canadian)Spanish (Mexican), DutchPortuguese (Brazilian), and Arabic (Saudi Arabian).
With the availability of Brightspace Community in multiple languages, we continue to improve our user's experiences no matter where their classroom is located.

When you launch the New Brightspace Community, your currently-selected language appears on the minibar.

Figure: The Language setting currently set to English.

To change the Language setting:

  1. Click the current language and select a new language from the available list. Figure: From the list of languages, select your preference.
  2. Click the subcommunity from under your chosen language. Figure: The French subcommunity displays all available content in French.

We encourage you to explore the localized content, and use the search function to further refine your search terms. As always, we look forward to engaging with you to find ways to continuously improve our users' experiences.