Create Grade Object - API Grade.GradeObject


I'm trying to use this request "/d2l/api/le/1.61/{ORGUNITID}/grades/" to create a new grade object using this JSON:

{   "MaxPoints": 100,

   "CanExceedMaxPoints": false,

   "IsBonus": false,

   "ExcludeFromFinalGradeCalculation": false,

   "GradeSchemeId": null,

   "Name": "Task1",

   "ShortName": "Tsk1",

   "GradeType": "Numeric",

   "CategoryId": 0,

   "Description": {

       "Html": "<p>Test.</p>",

       "Text": "Test"


   "AssociatedTool": null,

   "IsHidden": false


However, I'm getting the following error:


    "type": "",

   "title": "JSON Binding Error",

   "status": 400,

   "detail": "Provided JSON is invalid or does not match the expected format."


I've already read the information, changed values, and tried many things, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have experience with this and can offer some help?

