How to send a certificate automatically to a supervisor/instructor/admin?

When a user completes a course that has a certificate, is there a way to send the certificate that the user is awarded to an admin, supervisor or an instructor by email so that the admin can print the certificate and add it to the user's paper file?
I know in IA, I can send an email with certain information, but is it possible to attach the certificate they received in their awards so that the admin that the course completion status email is sent to also has the user's certificate (PDF) for their records?
You can use an Intelligent Agent to email the course instructor, or another person when an award is earned.
Do you have a link to how to do this? I was trying to figure it out but wasn't able to get there. I would also like to send the certificate to the admin along with the completion.
@Crystal.Woods8017 Greetings! I was wondering if you have figured out a way to do this. We are wanting to do the same thing - provide a completion certificate to various folks who need it upon a student's successful completion of a course. I saw the response to you about an IA email, and we already have that set up, but it is the addition of the certificate file to the IA that we are interested in. Thanks!
Did folks find an elegant way to link the Generated Certificate to an IA email?
Hi @Brian.H.6268, @Crystal.Woods8017,
We love that you’re reaching out to the Brightspace Community with this question!
Under the Intelligent Agent Criteria we can create a Release Condition for an "Award Earned" and set the Action to send an email for the users that received that Award. However, the desire functionality of adding a link to the award in the Intelligent Agent email isn't a feature yet.
For your reference, please refer to the following documentation article about Intelligent Agents:
At this time, we would like to suggest flagging the desire functionality as a new feature or Product Idea on the Brightspace Community. Posting the idea will allow you to communicate directly with the Product Planning Team and other Brightspace users.
You can access the Product Idea Exchange through the Quick Links widget found on the main homepage of the Community. More information about PIE can be found here:
We were looking for a way to send the generated certificate to an administrator, not to the user. I still haven't seen a way to do that in the system or with IAs. We have other systems to track certain elements in aviation, one is completion in some instances where tracking is also being done outside of the LMS and that administrator needs a physical copy of their certificate to enter into their system. Instead of having the users send it individually, it would be a lot better if the system generated that completion email that I can direct at the appropriate admin.
Thankyou for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.
Under the Intelligent Agent Criteria, we can create a Release Condition for an "Award Earned" and set the Action to send an email for the users that received that Award.
Currently, the desired functionality of adding a link to the award or attaching an already earned student's certificate in the Intelligent Agent email isn't a feature yet. In other words, it is currently not possible to attach a generated award/certificate to the IA to send to the Admin.
If you would like more options I would suggest the submission of a PIE item, or up-voting one that suits your use case. You can also create a new PIE item and upvote.
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