Voice-to-text option in D2L as an ADA accommodation

Hi! I hope you are doing well.

I am an instructor in Texas.

I have a question about ADA accommodations for users with carpal tunnel conditions.

I have a range of tools I use for this condition.

In particular, I have used voice-to-text software for many years.

My college just switched from Blackboard to D2L Brightspace last fall.

Because I teach English, the majority of my grading is done via Turnitin.

My current voice-to-text program works within Turnitin when I access submissions from within D2L.

However, this program does not work for creating text in Brightspace alone.

The software did work in Blackboard, so I know the possibility for the software to work within an LMS exists.

I posted this concern in the older forum. I received this response:

Hi @Sharon Prince (Community Member)​ ,

Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community! We always appreciate hearing from our clients about how they are using our products and tools.

To be able to connect you right with our Accessibility team, we recommend you submit a support case. This will allow our team to take a closer look at how you are using Dragon with Brightspace and to be able to provide the best solution for you.

I responded with a question:

  • Sharon Prince (Community Member)
  • 15 days ago

  • What is the link for a support ticket?

I have yet to receive a response.

Here is the link: https://community.brightspace.com/s/question/0D55W00000BZOgnSAH/the-availability-of-voicetotext-recognition-in-accordance-with-ada-requirements?t=1676491736835

Where would I go to submit a ticket?

I have searched for "support ticket link" and got articles in return.

Thank you,

Sharon Prince


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 582 admin

    Hi @Sharon.Prince2849
    Creating a ticket will help us to understand more about how you're using voice to text and where we can help to improve your experience in Brightspace.

    The first step to create a support case is to connect with your school's help desk.

    Contact the IT Help Desk or call 979-532-6568. 

    We're grateful to you for connecting with us