Respondus Monitor - instructors are reporting error message when they try to see the class results.
"Unable to get user data. Please make sure the d2l.Tools.ClassList.DisplayUsername server option is enabled. Consult the Respondus Lockdown Browser Administration Guide for more info"
Hi Moaz - make sure you look at the Respondus lockdown browser instructions. This looks like a missing permission in the system that wasn't enabled. This has to be done with Administrator (or Super Administrator) permissions to enable this functionality.
The Config Variable for d2l.Tools.Classlist.DisplayUsername has to be enabled for Respondus to work.
You'll note from my screen capture you can cascade this to specific courses if your whole institution has not adopted Respondus. This will help if only some departments are adopting Respondus vs. the whole institution (for cost control measures).
Working now, thanks a lot for the super quick response!
@Bruce Burghgraef - this is great info - took this and created a permanent KBA in the Community: