Default Course Navbar examples?

Justin.H.883 Posts: 4 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

Hi All,

We are in a new Brightspace Implementation, migrating from Blackboard. I was wondering if any of you that have gone through a similar process may be willing to share examples of default course offering navbar(s) that your institution developed for shared use? Would really appreciate any samples you are willing to share (screen shot/wireframe/whatever is easiest for you.)






  • Travis.H.362
    Travis.H.362 Posts: 24 🧭
    edited November 2022

    Hi Justin - welcome! I have been an admin at two different schools, so I have attached the course navbars we utilized at both. We're actually looking at some revisions this summer. After working with the system and getting feedback from faculty and students, your main areas of focus you might want are: 'Content', 'Grades', 'Class Progress', 'Classlist' and 'Course Admin' (for instructors). As long as you have easy access to those tools, you're off to a good start. Everything else it's just a matter of how you want your users to flow through the system and determining which tools you want front and center. I feel it is also beneficial to have a 'Help' menu as well for quick access to tech support, tutorials, etc.


    Outside of that, I would avoid putting too many tools on the navbar. Once it fills up, it gives a 'More' menu and it can be difficult to find things. Keep it simple and use dropdown menus (custom link groups) to provide access to things that are important, but not as important as the main links in your navigation.


    On your Org home be sure to add Quick Eval - your instructors should really like that tool.


    Best of luck in your migration!

  • Justin.H.883
    Justin.H.883 Posts: 4 🌱
    edited November 2022

    Thank you Travis! This is very helpful info and advice. :)