User Progress shows numeric value of grade scheme

Pieter.D.191 Posts: 1 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

I have associated an assignment with a grade item that has a grade scheme based on certain %. In the tools "Assignments" and "Scores" the learner can only see the grade scheme, but in the User Progress tool he/she is able to see the numeric value under 'Assignments'. Is this a bug?



  • Meredith.S.894
    Meredith.S.894 Posts: 48
    edited November 2022

    The learner has always been able to see the numeric score from within the Assignments tool and from the Assignments area of Class Progress, if the attached grade item is numeric. A recent update to Brightspace now allows you to associate a Selectbox grade item with an assignment, and that would only show the grade scheme information in the Assignments tool and the Assignments area of Class Progress. However, in order for you to associate with a Selectbox grade item, you must create your own custom grade scheme (it doesn't work with the system % scheme). Once you create a custom scheme, then when you create a grade item, you will have the option of numeric or selectbox. If your gradebook is configured to only show the grade scheme, then your learners won't see the points value.

    I hope that helps!