LOR: Public Access vs Public Availability?

Francis.U.332 Posts: 25 🌱
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

When you Edit a Learning Object Repository, what is the difference between


Public Access - enable for this repository


Public Availability - learning objects can be shared



Best Answer

  • Meredith.S.894
    Meredith.S.894 Posts: 48
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Francis! Hope you're doing well!


    Public Access - enable for this repository means that someone could share the url of the repository externally and anyone with the url could search it and see any specific objects that have public availability enabled for them. This is similar to what repositories such as MERLOT do to allow you to add them as an external repository to your own LOR. (continued below)


    Public Availability - learning objects can be shared means that the urls of individual objects can be shared externally. This allows you to store something in the LOR (and update it) but link to it from your website, for example. Whether someone had an account in your instance or not, they'd be able to see that one object by clicking on the link.

    Hope that helps!


    • Meredith