Brightspace opens first topic in a unit, instead of the unit itself
We have a course where the content is structured such as: Unit A (has content) Lesson A (has content) HTML Topic 1 (has content) HTML Topic 2 (has content) HTML Topic 3 (has content) Unit B (has content) HTML Topic 4 (has content) When a participant visits the course and they click on the Visual Table of Contents to visit:…
Add the "Course offering code" to the data made available to the SCORM API (cmi.launch_data)
Hi, I belong to a team which traditionally develops its own course content using in-house tools and processes. We built interactive HTML pages for each user in each course. We rely on a in-house server application to support parts of the learning experience offered to our users (among other things, custom tools to interact…
How can I test functionality of the adaptive release rules I created?
I've set up a course in the following manner: - There are 6 modules. - When the learner enters the course, only the first module is available. - Each module has adaptive release rules attached to it, specifying that the learner must view all pages of content, submit responses for two surveys, and receive a passing score on…
Does D2L provide Clients with Default HTML Templates for courses?
Hello, Community, A Client has mentioned that there are default HTML templates that D2L has provided them and that they would use to copy and paste HTML elements when building courses pages. For example, one of those HTML templates would have different forms jumbotron or accordions html elements, each of them with a "Start…
LTI Auth Tokens vs Developer Keys?
My organization wants to migrate all LTIs currently using Auth Tokens to Developer Keys instead. Does Brightspace support that? All of the Brightspace Developer Key documentation I've found talks about Canvas? https://www.google.com/search?q=brightspace+%22developer+key%22
Exporting/Importing members of groups between courses
Hi everyone! In our university we use Brightspace, and are struggling with Groups. In particular, we want to know whether every single course needs to be manually populated, or if it'd be possible to create the groups in one course, and then simply export those enrollments and group structures into other courses. Let me…
Quzzes and surveys open in new tab
Hello. I am trying to see if there is a setting to stop quizzes from opening in a new tab as opposed to remaining in the same tab. Is there a "best practice" for whether to have quizzes open in a second tab vs remain in the same tab?
Left-alignment in Brightspace Editor
Hi there. We have noticed that we can no longer left-align text in any Brightspace Editor text boxes as of this semester (Fal 2023). Is this intentional? If so, can you point me to an announcement and explanation that I can pass along to faculty. I understand that hierarchy is better for accessibility but I have some…
Am I Doing This BrightSpace Right
Hello My name is Martikka Tucker I'm just trying to see am I doing this bright space thing right cause I'm a student I have a ged and im a freshmen this is my first year doing this if im wrong please correct me
Adding an email 'mailto' link to course navbar
Hi, My team would love to add an Email link to our course nav bars to make contacting us easy for participants and visible throughout the course. Ideally, we would love to add a custom link with a mailto URL as the destination, but it seems like this might not be possible. Adding a custom link with a value of…