students can's see forum topics

I've created two forum topics in the Discussions section. I can see them from my view of the page, but they are invisible to the students. My institution can't figure out what the problem is yet.
While I'm on the subject, I think it's silly that graduate students seem not to have the power to create their own forum topics.


  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123

    Hi, David, I think I know what is happening, because I've seen it with our own new-to-D2L faculty. Terminology around D2L discussion is different from what you may have seen in other LMS's.

    Forum is NOT a place where discussion happens. It is a container, like category in Assignments. (But in Discussion, a forum is required, and an Assignment catgory is not.) The Topics you create as the instructor are the places where students post Threads and reply to other threads. If a forum has no topics, there is no reason for students to see it, because there is no place in a forum to post or reply.

    Hope this place.